Jerry Rice Building
@ Nike WD+C
Various illustrations turned wall graphics for the Jerry Rice building on Nike's campus. Each room was themed around a different story of rice's prolific career. These are in production at the time of writing, in-situ visuals to come.
Illustration + Hand Type
Art Director: Bryce Pedersen
Senior Designer: Luke Acevedo
Producer: Steve Renn
Producer: Hope Carroll
Jerry Rice was an avid golfer, having played in many pro-am tournaments. We decided to show a little information surrounding his lone career hole-in-one.
During training camp of Rice's rookie year his haircut earned him the name "fifi," like a poodle. Welcome to Fifi's Barber Shop.
Rice also received the name "Bert" because of a similarity in hair style to the Sesame Street Legend.
Rice and Totten, forever in the groove.
Everyone was using Stick'um grip enhancer in the 90's. Everyone except JR. Here's a fake ad pointing a clown finger at the WR's who were using the product.
Jerry didn't use Stick'um. That one handed catch against the Rams in '93? Legit.
At MSVU, Rice was part of an offense with quarterback Willie "satellite" Totten. Rice's nickname was "world," as there wasn't a pass in the world he couldn't catch. The paths in our illustration mimics the route lines of their "satellite express" play formation.
During Rice's first year as a raider he was quoted saying, "I remember going into The Black Hole....I had to fight my way out of The Black Hole."
After their legendary career at MSVU, the stadium was renamed in their honor.
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