Connected Canvas
Real-time game data and local stories are brought to life using artificial intelligence and generative visualizations to create abstract art.
Lead Designer
Art Director: Bryce Pedersen
Producer: Olivia Emerick
Dev: Justin Gitlin
Dev: Keith Hoffman
Dev: Livvy Ruiz-Knott
3D: Courtland Noble
Taking up permanent residency in Miami Dade arena, we programmed a responsive trio of screens that used data from the previous Miami Heat game to artfully interchange between three categories of game data. Users could also scan a QR code and connect to the screens, enabling them to navigate through the experience.
Event Location
The first data cohort was an aggregation of event locations, visualized through a fluid heat map. Events were divided into positive and negative occurrences, with different behaviors attributed to each category: Positive plays would create a wider spread with warms colors at the center, while negative plays would eat away at that spread with smaller, cool blue centers.
01 Event Location
The second set of data transformed both ball and player tracking into a fluid two-spheared abstraction of a basketball court where dribbles, passes and player location history were represented with crashing lines and xy event coordinates.
02 Movement
Jersey Sales
The third data cohort utilized sales numbers from the Heat's Jersey Mashup program, turning the data into a large 3D carousel. Each number 1—9 was a reactive composite of the 11 different jersey styles offered in the program, which we represented with custom 3D number sets whose underlying sales numbers determined how many of them were on screen at once.
03 Jersey Sales
04 Data View
As an interactive installation, each category had two forms—the abstract art version pictured above, and a data version: a stripped back representation of the data used to create our abstract visualizations. Users could connect their phones to the screens and toggle between view states.
The Abstract art views could be toggled off to show the underlying data used to power their graphics.

This reinforced our concept that AT&T's high speed data powers some of the things we love the most.

04 Data View
05 Interstitial
We also created a branded interstitial to further reinforce AT&T as the purveyor of high powered data driving culture. It showed up between data sets and when a user connected to the system.
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